Healing For A Heart Defect – God’s Way to a Healthy Heart

Darlene got more than she bargained for when she came to Be in Health® looking for healing for a heart defect.


Have you ever observed after tragedy or trauma occurs in a person’s life that sometimes severe health problems seem to compound their struggles? This was the case for Darlene after the loss of her husband and mother. She began to experience serious issues with her health. Darlene shared her wonderful testimony with us of how she came to Be in Health looking for healing for her heart defect and God met her in more ways than she could have imagined. We hope her testimony brings encouragement and hope to you.

Darlene’s testimony

Within the first few months after my husband and my mother went home to Heaven, I began experiencing a significant amount of heart and lung issues. I had a very healthy heart for 40 years, but at this point, I was diagnosed with two small holes in my heart.

I was also put on asthma medication to manage my breathing problems. I had to carry an inhaler with me wherever I went in case I had an asthma attack. I had frequent bouts of breathing difficulties and had several inpatient admissions to the hospital. In addition, I had to get frequent cardiac exams.

God’s truth began to minister to my heart

Our Bible study group in Tennessee started a study of Be in Health materials. Through that, I discovered so many beautiful principles from the Word of God. I had never heard these truths before, even though I’d been a Christian for 40 years.

When I attended the For My Life Retreat® at Be in Health in 2018, it was like a whole new world opened up to me. During that week, I learned 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV), “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” That was a key scripture for me.

Another scripture that helped me so much was John 14:27 (KJV) “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

My peace was restored

I began to understand more and more about how to take my peace. And as I began to understand the peace of God that passes all understanding, my breathing began to relax.

My health was restored

When I got back to Tennessee my cardiologist wanted to do an EKG test on my heart. He told me that my tests came back with much better results. He wanted to make sure of what was going on so he did a nuclear stress test on my heart as well.

My nuclear stress test came back absolutely, 100% normal. It also revealed that the two holes in my heart had disappeared. I had a brand new heart! I had no more heart palpitations; it was no longer speeding up and was at a perfect balance.

My cardiologist said that he was absolutely amazed and asked me what I had been doing. So I told him that I had attended the For My Life Retreat at Be in Health. He said, “Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it!”

Subsequently, I was able to discontinue all of my asthma medications. I have not taken any heart medications or asthma medications for well over a year now.

There is hope for you, too!

I am so grateful. I want to encourage everyone who has an opportunity to come to Be in Health’s For My Life Retreat; you will learn a more excellent way for your life and for any malfunction that is going on in your body. It doesn’t matter what systems aren’t operating correctly, whether it be heart, lungs, or any other disease or symptoms, God can meet you and heal you too.

I am a living, breathing miracle by the grace of my Father God. Learning about my Heavenly Father’s love, and being able to rest in His love and be at peace has done miracles for my heart and lungs. I am eternally grateful to my Father in Heaven, and I am so thankful for this beautiful ministry.


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What if heart health runs much deeper than just managing diet, exercise, and medications? Darlene discovered the keys to a healthy heart at Be in Health and her life will never be the same!  Darlene had two holes in her heart and struggled with asthma. Read her testimony about how God met her at Be in Health and did far more than just heal her heart.

By Be in Health| 2020-02-14T14:58:35-05:00 February 7th, 2020|Testimony|0 Comments
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