Becoming Generations of Overcomers

The following are testimonies from two teenagers of a family who came to one of our For My Life® Retreats. You don’t have to be an adult to understand and apply the teachings at Be in Health—the Word of God is simple, and we love when families start becoming generations of overcomers!

Overcoming Fear of Failure

I first came to Be in Health in December of 2021. I came with my mom, and while I was excited to be able to come with her, I didn’t think there was going to be anything major I would learn here or in “need” of repentance for anything. Obviously, I was very surprised during my time here at the For My Life Retreat. I learned that, among other things, I was struggling with and listening to the spirit of fear of failure. Along with that spirit came the spirits of fear of rejection, self-doubt, and self-pity. You can imagine my surprise when I thought I was “fine” and just “didn’t like messing up.” God blessed me intellectually. I was homeschooled, which gave me the flexibility to excel through my schooling. I graduated about a year and a half early. However, I didn’t see this as a blessing, rather a relief. Finally, I could no longer fail at school. But that, as you know, doesn’t mean the fear of failure left or was finished. This surprised and disappointed me. Before I knew the truth, I thought that as soon as I was done with school, I would be done with the fear!

Even though I finished school early, because of that fear, I couldn’t move on to the next step. I couldn’t even decide on a next step. I would panic every time I tried to think about it. It was such a lie from the enemy. I was blessed in the area of school. My parents were not putting pressure on me. As the oldest, I didn’t have any older siblings I was trying to live up to in expectations. It was all lies from the enemy—plain and simple.

Set Free for My Future!

I came to For My Life in December, and then in January I came to Walk Out Workshop®. I learned, repented, and grew so much! God led me in His love and timing to the answer. I am now in my senior year of college. I plan to start a Christian, non-profit to serve the forgotten people that need Jesus and the help of others. I don’t see His blessings as a curse any more, rather I am using my gift for His good. I want to encourage you all to trust Him and don’t let any evil stand in the way of using the gifts and abilities you have bene given.

  • Kaitlyn, 19 years old


Overcoming Bitterness

My week at Be in Health, I learned a lot. Before the For My Life week, I didn’t realize I had bitterness. However, during the session about bitterness, God started showing me that I had bitterness. During the ministry part, I felt it leave. God showed me that I was holding onto bitterness toward some nurses who took care of my grandpa and great-grandma before they died. Because the nurses made decisions we didn’t agree with, I was angry and had bitterness, but God showed me that holding onto that wasn’t okay. He took it away. I am very thankful.

I was having anger, guilt, and shame about when my grandpa died. I had overheard my dad on the phone, telling my mom he needed a vitamin brought to my grandparent’s house. My mom told me we had to go right away. We got ready and got in the van. I had to run back in to go to the bathroom and get a blanket. As soon as I got back, we left. I wasn’t scolded or anything like that. When we arrived at my grandparents’ house, my grandpa had already passed away. For a year, I believed it was my fault he died because we hadn’t gotten the vitamin to him in time because I had delayed us to go to the bathroom.

Overcoming Shame and Guilt

Based upon a symptom I was having, my mom asked me about if I had any guilt or shame I was dealing with because of some things she had learned previously at Be in Health. I told her about the situation with my grandpa over the vitamin not arriving in time. She started crying, I cried. She told me the vitamin was just something unrelated that my aunt wanted for herself. It had nothing to do with my grandpa. I had listened to the enemy’s lies. He had told me it was my fault my grandpa died and I kept it in the darkness. It turns out, in various ways, he had lied to my parents and aunt and uncle that it was each of their faults. Because God had taught my mom things at Be in Health, she helped me repent and get rid of the guilt and shame that was tricking me. God showed me it wasn’t my fault at all and that I am very loved. Now I don’t have guilt or shame.

  • Joshua, 13 years old



Are you ready to begin the process of becoming generations of overcomers?

Be in Health offers Biblical insights into the possible spiritual roots of disease®. With more than 30 years of ministering to the Body of Christ, we’ve been able to identify specific root issues that are generally consistent through each disease type. From a Biblical foundation, we believe that healing begins in our spirit. We have observed that over 80% of incurable diseases are rooted in breakdown at one or more of these three levels: separation from yourself and your identity in God, separation from others, and, most importantly, separation from God. We want to restore you to wholeness in fellowship with God, yourself, and others and teach you the Biblical insights that will set you free so you can walk in wholeness in your spirit, soul, and body!

Would you like to walk in health and wholeness and start becoming generations of overcomers?

We invite you to join us for the week-long For My Life Retreat. It’s available in person at the Be in Health/Hope of the Generations Church campus in Thomaston, Georgia. Or, if you are unable to travel at this time, we also have an online version of the For My Life Course.

Be in Health is a safe place to learn how to grow up as an overcomer and to discover God’s incredible love, grace, and mercy toward you.


The Be in Health Team



Find out more about our For My Life Retreats!


Resources for becoming generations of overcomers:

In this teaching on Our Identity, learn to be defined by the Word of God instead of by our sins. Do you know who you are or why you are here?



Would you like to read more about becoming generations of overcomers?

Building a Foundation for Future Generations

How God’s Truth Can Set a Family Free

Family Restored


By Be in Health| 2023-12-19T14:03:23-05:00 December 22nd, 2023|Testimony|0 Comments
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