Spiritual Lifeline 2019-03-29T10:23:50-05:00



Spiritual Lifeline® is hands-on assistance and a ministry of love by our team; it is our most individualized form of ministry to you. Our Father promises to deliver us from the enemy as we apply His Word. Together, we’ll look at God’s plan for your situation and His promises that will sustain you.

Spiritual Lifeline® is not a starting place at Be in Health®, but is designed to come alongside and assist those who have previously attended our For My Life® Retreat, or who have read and are applying the principles of Dr. Wright’s book, A More Excellent Way.

Pricing is $99/hour. Can be split into two ½ hour sessions.

Bring your Bible, pen, and a notebook with your willingness to change and see what God will do! Our trained ministers—who have already walked this journey and have a heart to serve you—will meet with you for ministry by phone or Skype.

Changeable – Are you willing to embrace truth and make the changes necessary for victory?
Available – Will you be faithful to make an investment of your time before and after ministry?
Teachable – Are you ready to have the Word of God guide you into all truth?

When compared with medications, treatments, and psychological approaches—which are attempts to manage the issues, instead of dealing with the root problems— Spiritual Lifeline® is a worthy investment in your freedom! Using the For My Life® principles, we will help you identify what could be interfering with your journey of overcoming. We will cheer you on toward your victory!

“Spiritual Lifeline® was a great way for me to get all the help of Be in Health® while away from them I can’t believe I didn’t know about this before! ” -M.Y 

“Spiritual LIfeline® was the only place I have been helped overcome and deal with the true roots of the issues I had or was walking out. It is safe.” -C.C.

“Hard to argue with another week of FML and/or WOW — but if you haven’t tried Spiritual Lifeline®, I would sure recommend it. Sometimes, having that “lifeline” come alongside really sheds God’s light on our personal “sticking point.” Tremendous ministry. God bless you!” – Sera

“Spiritual Lifeline® is very helpful. I would suggest it. It really has gotten me unstuck. You have personal ministry around your particular issues and dynamics and they can help you recognize and root stuff out.” – LKHD


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which can be split into two 1/2 hour sessions.

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