God is Able to Lead You

[tweet_dis]Temptation is not who you are.[/tweet_dis]  At times, we are tempted to be afraid if we talk to the Father because He might answer us.  The kingdom of sin is threatened when you hear from Him.  So, in our moments of weakness, we don’t want to take a risk. I know believing God the Father is by faith. Knowing God is by faith. But the Bible says if any man lacks wisdom, we are to ask Him for it.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. – James 1:5

What is wisdom? Wisdom is direction. It your Father’s mind concerning the situation and the future. If any man lacks wisdom, God will give it to him liberally, and upbraid him not, because…he or she had the moxie to ask!

The problem that comes when we don’t trust that the Father hears us, we run to a man or a woman to hear God on our behalf.  Do you want to hear a man say he heard God for you?  You want to hear a prophetic word before you’ll hear the Spirit of God lead you?  Even in your Christian walk, the enemy tempts you to trust your spirituality and identity in men, but you don’t trust God to speak to you.  Hear this; God is capable of leading you by His Spirit and His Word. He is capable of giving you vision and conviction to take you where you need to go.

I’m not against God speaking through people. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not going black or white. I’m not negative, but it’s not either/or. If I want to hear something from the Father, I would ask Him first. Then if any man spoke to me, it would be confirmation of what I have already heard from the Holy Spirit!

You cannot approach God apart from faith. First of all, you must believe that God is, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  If you doubt in your heart that God has heard you, you are double-minded, you’re unstable in all matters, and the Scriptures say, think not that you shall receive anything of God.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. – Hebrews 11:6

The problem is, we have decided how God should run our life. If He doesn’t respond to us according to our understanding, we cop an attitude. Not knowing that, when He heard you pray, it may take some time for the Holy Spirit to lead you to a place where He can execute your prayer. It may be things in your life that need to be worked out before He can give you something that will remain permanently. But if He gives you something, like a child, if He were to give you something prematurely, you’ll waste it. You won’t understand it. Sin will abuse the blessing, then destroy it.

You must trust your Father; you must trust that He knows what’s best for you.  You must tell Him you trust Him beyond your understanding.  He will lead you into a place of green pastures for your life. If you have believed but have not received a response, there’s probably a reason. Don’t go into unbelief and doubt, but turn away from them in repentance. We constantly teach about roots, blocks, and issues, not to become paranoid or sin-conscious, but because we were in sin-ignorance and so we fell prey to the enemy.

Which is worse, be sin-ignorant or sin-conscious?  Both! Because the focus is on strictly on sin.  We need spiritual discernment of sin, which is from a relationship with the Father. Discernment is the ultimate goal that the Father wants for His people so He can have a normal conversation with them about what is good and what is evil.

In all things that you talk with the Father, talk to Him from your spirit to His.  He draws near to those that draw near to Him.  Be like Him as you talk to Him, with affection and transparency.  The devil and his kingdom get disrupted when your approach your Father with a spirit that is still and gentle.

The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. – Psalm 25:14

-Dr. Henry Wright

By Be in Health| 2016-07-01T16:49:47-05:00 July 1st, 2016|Dr. Henry Wright, Encouragement, Healthy Thinking, Healthy Life, Relationships|0 Comments

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