God Still Heals Today – Pam’s Testimony

God Still Heals Today, In His Own Sovereign Way– Pam’s Testimony

Many people believe that God can heal them, but have no idea how. Perhaps they hope that He’ll miraculously intervene in their lives and mightily heal them in an instant. Although that is entirely possible, sometimes God wants to draw our heart to Him before He brings our physical healing. Typically the first place He will heal and recover is our heart; more specifically, our spirit. At Be in Health®, we know without a doubt that God still heals today.

Why we get sick

We understand based on over 30 years of experience, medical research, and Biblical study that over 80% of diseases have a spiritual root. That means there is something that is negatively affecting how we think, speak, and act. This will also cause a malfunction in our bodies.

Lots of times, for a person to receive healing, God must first root out that deep thing in their heart that may be separating them from His love, and causing a breach in relationship with Him, ourselves, and others.

How God wants to renew our spirit and body

When our minds are renewed to think, speak, and act the way He would, we will find some amazing things happen in our lives. Firstly, we’ll find more peace, we’ll be restored to know God’s love and all of the benefits that come from that, we’ll understand how to overcome the things that cause trouble in our lives, and we’ll even find purpose and hope again. Here’s the wonderful side effect, as our spirit is renewed, our body will be restored to health.

God doesn’t always heal us instantaneously

Although instant healing is terrific, the lasting fruit that comes from being healed from the inside out is of eternal value. God uses both ways of healing, but it is up to His sovereign will how He deals with each one of us. He knows what each of us needs and exactly how to meet us to bring the best possible outcome in our lives. He has the whole big picture in His sight.

Here is Pam’s testimony of how God met her in just this way. He brought the answers that she needed for her life so that her heart and relationships could be restored, and, as a result, He healed her physical body too!

Pam’s Testimony

I desperately needed God to do something in my life. I had four diagnoses, one of which was hypothyroidism, and another was depression. At one point, I cried out to God and said, “I believe you, I believe your Word, but I’m drowning here!”

God miraculously directed me to Dr. Henry W. Wright’s book, A More Excellent Way. I picked it up off the shelf and looked through the table of contents. As a nurse, I realized that something was resonating with me. So I bought the book, and I just devoured it.

A revelation for my heart

A big thing that stuck out to me was when Dr. Wright said that if you haven’t forgiven someone, you could feel high-octane pings in your stomach when you think about them. I felt like I had fireworks going on in there! I thought that I had forgiven, but God revealed to me through A More Excellent Way, that I hadn’t.

When I began to look at the spiritual roots, God met me in that place, and I recognized that I was believing the enemy’s lie that depression was who I was due to my circumstances. When I realized through Dr. Wright’s teaching that it was actually a spirit of depression, then I knew I had authority in the name of Jesus over that thing.

Finding freedom

I began to cast that thing down in the name of Jesus and to come out of agreement with its way of thinking, speaking, and acting. God helped me walk out of the depression. Not only that, but I walked out of all of my diagnoses.

The microwave effect

I often tell people that we always want the microwave effect. We want it to be done immediately. God met me in that way with some of my diagnosis, but others took longer. I have just recently overcome hypothyroidism and am now completely off of my medication. Doctors will tell you that you’ll have to stay on those medications for life.

At one point, I forgot to take my medications for two weeks while I was on vacation, and I did great! Then later, I was sharing my testimony with my Bible study group, and the next day I was hit with fatigue. I recognized that this was a spirit of fatigue, and I decided to do what James 4:7 says, I was going to submit to God and resist the devil, and he would have to flee. It took a little while for that fatigue to leave, but it did.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 KJV

A clean bill of health!

Later, I went to the doctor to get some blood work done, and all my levels were normal! I give God all the praise and glory. I was able to overcome when I applied these principles to my life from God’s Word that I have learned through Dr. Wright’s teachings. We do have to take every thought captive, and we cannot give the enemy any foothold in our thinking. We have to choose to believe God.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

Pam, KY

Pam’s not the only one

Pam’s testimony is only one of thousands of testimonies of people from all over the world who have discovered, through Be in Health, that wholeness is not just about our physical health. Wholeness is about being in health in our spirit, soul, and body.

The wonderful news is that God is no respecter of persons. That means that what He’s done for all of these other people, He can do for you. No disease, no mental illness, no life struggle, or circumstance is too big for Him. He knows exactly what you need for your life to walk into freedom and wholeness.

There is hope for you too!

Would you consider today, if you’ve tried everything else, submit yourself to the Lord and ask Him to direct your steps?

God could have possibly led you right where you need to be, reading this testimony.

God’s Word says:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. 8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Proverbs 3:5-8 KJV

God’s desire for you

God’s desire for you is to prosper and be in health (3 John 1:2 KJV). God wants you to thrive, not just survive. He wants to give you wholeness of life and health. He wants to bring restoration in every area of your life. If you are ready to learn more about how Be in Health can help you, the first step is yours!

Reach out today. We are here to help you.


The Be in Health Team



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When Pam cried out to God, He met her in a far deeper way than she could have imagined. Read her testimony of how God healed her hypothyroidism and depression but also did something even more profound in her life through the Biblical insights she learned at Be in Health.    When Pam was overwhelmed and felt like giving up, she asked God for help. He met her in a miraculous way and not only brought the physical healing she needed but so much more. Read her testimony and find out what God can do for you, too at Be in Health.

By Be in Health| 2020-02-21T13:17:22-05:00 February 21st, 2020|Testimony|0 Comments
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